Networked Media Open Specifications


Open a browser and go to the address of the server you deployed.

Provide the URL of the relevant API under test (see the detailed description on the webpage) and select a test suite from the checklist. The result of the tests will be shown after a few seconds.

The result of each test case will be one of the following:

Pass Reason
Pass Successful test case.
Fail Required feature of the specification has been found to be implemented incorrectly.
Warning Not a failure, but the API being tested is responding or configured in a way which is not recommended in most cases.
Test Disabled Test is disabled due to test suite configuration; change the config or test manually.
Could Not Test Test was not run due to prior responses from the API, which may be OK, or indicate a fault.
Not Implemented Recommended/optional feature of the specifications has been found to be not implemented.
Manual Test suite does not currently test this feature, so it must be tested manually.
Not Applicable Test is not applicable, e.g. due to the version of the specification being tested.

Test-specific Documentation

The following pages provide information on additional instructions for testing specific features:

Non-interactive Testing

The testing tool supports two modes of operation that support usage in larger scale or continuous integration tests.

External Dependencies

Advanced Testing

Some of the tests contained within this tool perform a number of steps which may not be obvious without viewing the source code. To help with debugging, descriptions of such behaviour is covered by the advanced testing pages.