Testing tool for the AMWA NMOS Specifications
What does it do?
This tool creates a simple web service which tests implementations of the NMOS APIs, currently:
- IS-04 Node API
- IS-04 Registry APIs
- IS-04 Node API (Peer to Peer)
- IS-05 Connection Management API
- IS-05 Interaction with IS-04
- IS-06 Network Control API
- IS-07 Event & Tally API
- IS-08 Channel Mapping API
- IS-08 Interaction with IS-04
- IS-09 System API
- IS-10 Authorization API
- BCP-002-01 Natural Grouping (see IS-04 Node API)
- BCP-003-01 Secure API Communications
- BCP-003-02 Authorization (see IS-10 Authorization API)
Why does it matter?
- Provides an aid to developers
- Check conformance to specs before industry plug-fests
- Compulsory for JT-NM TR-1001 Testing
- Too time consuming to test everything manually
- Helps identify where interoperability issues lie with multiple vendors
How does it work?
- Downloads each NMOS specification using Git
- Parses the RAML API definition and JSON schemas in order to construct basic tests automatically
- Merges automatically constructed tests with manually defined ones
- Launches a web interface to run tests from
For more details see the GitHub repo